Note: The content of this post is based on my understanding from Chapter 01 of the book Introduction to Statistical Learning. If you haven't read this chapter from the book, I recommend reading it first (Its online version is available for free. You can find it via the provided link.)

Feel free to change the code and see how the results behave. You may find something interesting...

In the chapter 01, the authors show three data sets that will be used throughout the book. In this notebook, we will go through those three data sets. Please feel free and play around the code to make yourself familiar with them. If you are already familiar with the code, you can go through the material and the additional discussion provided to make the context richer...

import libraries

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from collections import Counter 
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA

Wage Data

DATA Description: Income survey data for men in central Atlantic region of USA

Wage = pd.read_csv("./datasets/Wage.csv")
ID year age sex maritl race education region jobclass health health_ins logwage wage
0 231655 2006 18 1. Male 1. Never Married 1. White 1. < HS Grad 2. Middle Atlantic 1. Industrial 1. <=Good 2. No 4.318063 75.043154
1 86582 2004 24 1. Male 1. Never Married 1. White 4. College Grad 2. Middle Atlantic 2. Information 2. >=Very Good 2. No 4.255273 70.476020
2 161300 2003 45 1. Male 2. Married 1. White 3. Some College 2. Middle Atlantic 1. Industrial 1. <=Good 1. Yes 4.875061 130.982177
3 155159 2003 43 1. Male 2. Married 3. Asian 4. College Grad 2. Middle Atlantic 2. Information 2. >=Very Good 1. Yes 5.041393 154.685293
4 11443 2005 50 1. Male 4. Divorced 1. White 2. HS Grad 2. Middle Atlantic 2. Information 1. <=Good 1. Yes 4.318063 75.043154

The ID data is often useless, so let us drop it...

df = Wage.drop(columns=['ID']) #I call my data: df (as dataframe). 

Let us assume the goal is to predict wage based on the provided predictors. We should now seperate the feature data and response variable data:

X = df.iloc[:,:-1]
y = df.iloc[:,-1]

Now, let us take a quick look at the summary of our feature data:

year age logwage
count 3000.000000 3000.000000 3000.000000
mean 2005.791000 42.414667 4.653905
std 2.026167 11.542406 0.351753
min 2003.000000 18.000000 3.000000
25% 2004.000000 33.750000 4.447158
50% 2006.000000 42.000000 4.653213
75% 2008.000000 51.000000 4.857332
max 2009.000000 80.000000 5.763128

while .describe() method (on DataFrame object) is a good approach to see Summary statistics, it cannot show information for categorical features. So, we need to handle them seperately. We can notice a similar issue when we .hist() to plot historgram of feature. See below:

axs = X.hist(figsize=(10,5))

How about other features (predictors)? Let us see their plots...

all_features = X.columns #find all features
num_features = X._get_numeric_data().columns #find numerical features
cat_features = list(set(all_features) - set(num_features)) #get non-numerical features!

print('cat_features: \n', cat_features)
 ['education', 'region', 'jobclass', 'health', 'race', 'sex', 'health_ins', 'maritl']

Neat! Now, let us find check them out:

for feature in cat_features:
    counts = Counter(X[feature])
    plt.title(feature), counts.values())

Please note that the two features "region" and "sex", each has one category. In other words, their values remain constant from one sample to the next. Therefore, they do not add extra information about Wage. These constant values can be filtered out throughout the data preprocessing stage. Let us clean it (We will not change the file of data. The following is just to show how to perform such preprocessing)

def get_constant_features(X, constant_percentage = 0.95):
    this function takes a dataframe X and returns the features where the feature is almost constant. 
    If the most frequent value appears in at least `constant_percentage` of samples, we treat is as constant.
    X : DataFrame
        a dataframe of size (m, n) where m is the number of observations and n is the number of features
    constant_percentage : float
        a scalar value between 0 and 1, acts as the threshold below which the feature is considered to be not constant.
    constant_features : list
        list of names of features that are constant
    n_samples = X.shape[0]
    constant_features = []
    for feature in X.columns:
        counts = list(Counter(X[feature]).values())    
        if np.max(counts)/n_samples >= constant_percentage:
    return constant_features
constant_features = get_constant_features(X)
['sex', 'region']

Cool! let us drop them :)

X_clean = X.drop(columns=constant_features)
year age maritl race education jobclass health health_ins logwage
0 2006 18 1. Never Married 1. White 1. < HS Grad 1. Industrial 1. <=Good 2. No 4.318063
1 2004 24 1. Never Married 1. White 4. College Grad 2. Information 2. >=Very Good 2. No 4.255273
2 2003 45 2. Married 1. White 3. Some College 1. Industrial 1. <=Good 1. Yes 4.875061

Note that we abused the word clean here as we only dropped the constant features. However, the term clean may mean handling missing data and/or outliers in other context. For now, we are going to use X_clean in this notebook.

Ok! Now, let us reproduce some of the figures of the book...

> Figure 1.1 (left figure): Wage-against-Age

plt.scatter(X['age'], y, color='b', label='data')
plt.plot(y.groupby(X['age']).mean(), color='r', linewidth=3, label='mean')

plt.xlim(left=X['age'].min(), right=X['age'].max())

Note that the figure provided in the book is smoother. This might be because of a discretization on variable age or something else. For now, it is good enough that delivers the message: wage is increasing as age is increasing (upto ~60 years old) and for $age>60$, the wage is decreasing.

> Figure 1.1 (middle figure): Wage-against-Year

plt.scatter(X['year'], y, color='b', label='data')

plt.xlim(left=X['year'].min(), right=X['year'].max())

Here, we can observe a slightly increasing trend in the average Wage/year.

> Figure 1.1 (right figure): Wage-against-Education

for i, (key, item) in enumerate(y.groupby(X['education'])):
    plt.boxplot(item, positions=[i], labels=[key])


As illustrated, on average, people with higher education has higher wage.

Stock Market Data

Daily percentage returns for S&P 500 over a 5-year period
Since we already walked the reader through the steps of previous data set, we will avoid repeating ourself. We will show the codes and provide some explanations if necessary.

df = pd.read_csv("./datasets/Smarket.csv")
ID Year Lag1 Lag2 Lag3 Lag4 Lag5 Volume Today Direction
0 1 2001 0.381 -0.192 -2.624 -1.055 5.010 1.1913 0.959 Up
1 2 2001 0.959 0.381 -0.192 -2.624 -1.055 1.2965 1.032 Up
2 3 2001 1.032 0.959 0.381 -0.192 -2.624 1.4112 -0.623 Down
df = df.drop(columns=['ID']) #drop ID
axs = df.hist(figsize=(10,10))

(Recall that the column Direction is categorical and thus cannot be plotted by df.hist())

include_features = ['Lag1', 'Lag2', 'Lag3']

fig, axs = plt.subplots(1,3, figsize=(15,5))
for i, feature in enumerate(include_features):
    groups_by_label = df[feature].groupby(df['Direction'])
    for pos, (label, item) in enumerate(groups_by_label):
        axs[i].boxplot(item, positions=[pos], labels=[label])


As illustrated, in each feature, the two boxplots are similar to each other. Therefore, each of these features should contribute a little (if any) to the prediction of the response variable Direction.

Gene Expression Data

NCI60: Gene expression measurements for 64 cancer cell lines

df = pd.read_csv("./datasets/NCI60.csv", index_col = 0)
data.1 data.2 data.3 data.4 data.5 data.6 data.7 data.8 data.9 data.10 ... data.6822 data.6823 data.6824 data.6825 data.6826 data.6827 data.6828 data.6829 data.6830 labs
V1 0.300000 1.180000 0.550000 1.140000 -0.265000 -0.070000 0.350000 -0.315000 -0.450000 -0.654980 ... 0.000000 0.030000 -0.175000 0.629981 -0.030000 0.000000 0.280000 -0.340000 -1.930000 CNS
V2 0.679961 1.289961 0.169961 0.379961 0.464961 0.579961 0.699961 0.724961 -0.040039 -0.285019 ... -0.300039 -0.250039 -0.535039 0.109941 -0.860039 -1.250049 -0.770039 -0.390039 -2.000039 CNS
V3 0.940000 -0.040000 -0.170000 -0.040000 -0.605000 0.000000 0.090000 0.645000 0.430000 0.475019 ... 0.120000 -0.740000 -0.595000 -0.270020 -0.150000 0.000000 -0.120000 -0.410000 0.000000 CNS

3 rows × 6831 columns

I avoid plotting histogram of each feature here
For now, I will just use sklearn to apply PCA to the data and we will discuss PCA later. However, it might be a good idea to make yourself familiar with PCA... I think this YouTube Video explains it well.

X = df.iloc[:,:-1].to_numpy()
y = df.iloc[:,-1] #the feature `labs` tells us that there are fourteen different groups of cells 
y_counts = Counter(y)
Counter({'CNS': 5,
         'RENAL': 9,
         'BREAST': 7,
         'NSCLC': 9,
         'UNKNOWN': 1,
         'OVARIAN': 6,
         'MELANOMA': 8,
         'PROSTATE': 2,
         'LEUKEMIA': 6,
         'K562B-repro': 1,
         'K562A-repro': 1,
         'COLON': 7,
         'MCF7A-repro': 1,
         'MCF7D-repro': 1})

Feature labs tell us there are fourteen groups in our data. Such data is often not available. In other words, in some data, we just have features and no response variable, and our goal is to see if there are groups in the data.

We now try to visualize the 64-dim data. (You can color code the tags provided in the response variable, and color the data points accordingly)

X = StandardScaler().fit_transform(X) 

pca = PCA(n_components=2).fit(X)
array([0.11358942, 0.06756202])

why should we normalize data before using PCA? you can read about it below:

It seems the first two components can only explains about 18% of the variance. Let us not worry about that for now and just plot the data in 2D (just to see how it works)

X_pca = pca.transform(X)

plt.scatter(X_pca[:,0], X_pca[:,1])

And, that's it! We just plotted the 64-dim data in 2D space with help of PCA. One thing you may notice here is that the figure in the book is a little bit different. In fact, if you flip the signs of values of the second component of PCA, we will get the figure provided in the book! (I hope we can get some clarification from authors of the book in the nearby future! Or, maybe I made a mistake!! Did I???)

The other thing you may think about is that if PCA can preserve large relative distance among points. Because, if not, then we cannot trust the structures of points in 2D space. PCA can preserve the large pair-wise distances (see StackOverFlow). So, it can help us understand the overal structure of groups in the data.


  • Read .csv data: df = pd.read_csv(.., index_col = None)

  • see data table: df.head() --> see shape: df.shape

  • see distribution of numerical data: df.hist() #see historgram of each numerical feature

  • count tags in categorical data: collections.Counter(X[cat_feature])

  • get numerical data: df._get_numeric_data()

  • Get X and y: X = df.iloc[:,:-1]; y = df.iloc[:,-1] (if label is the last column and all other columns are features)
  • Take avg of y w.r.t values/tags in a feature: y.groupby(X[feature]).mean()

  • create groups of observation w.r.t values/tags: groups = y.groups(X[feature]) --> for i, (key, item) in enumerate(groups): ...

  • Drop (almost) constant features: use collections.Counter() to discover those features --> df.drop(almost-constant features)
  • relationship between a feature and y: plot y-x (if y continuous) and if y is tags (e.g. yes/no), we can plot boxplot values of x of observations with response yes, and the boxplot of x of observations with respons no.